pacific north wellness

The creative brief

The deliverables

  • Brand Design
  • Custom Website Design
  • Business Cards

Outdoorsy, vibrant, welcoming

brand & WEBSITE DESIGN FOR wellness centre

the vibe

the moodboard

We created a new logo that embodies Lianne and Garth's love of the outdoors, and their passion for helping inspire others live healthy and active lifestyles. The symbolism of the compass closely reflects the core values held by the company; supporting and guiding their clients on a journey to where they have renewed confidence in their physical abilities and empowered ownership over their health.

Logo design

We also created a brand new website that shows off their new brand beautifully, and effectively guides users through their numerous services and classes.  Inspired by the outdoors, we used a palette composed of colours inspired by granite, rain, moss, pacific waves and cedar.

website design


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